Wednesday, October 15, 2008


So I've had another blog on another site for awhile and I've decided to move to blogger. I like google, and I figure since everything else of mine is here that I might as well make my blog here too... so yeah. that's it. if you want to check out the other blog the address is.

Man, looking back at old blogs is odd. to read the feelings and the trials that I was going through is crazy. the strangest and most amazing are the prayers. many of them were about my future and worship leading. its amazing how the lord has worked in my life. I wrote that one of my greatest desires was to get back into leading worship, and what happened? the first week I got back from Oklahoma I walked to Denny and he got me talking with morri and bam! here I am almost a year and a half later... The edge service has been a great blessing for me. Its been a lot of work and stress to get everything working, but after doing it for so long now its just a real joy. I am VERY much looking forward to getting back to the 11 edge in the fellowship hall however!

I actually just got a text from Jeremiah asking if I wanted to do worship tonight for post college. small worship nights are something that I love more than any other. they can be such solid worshipful nights.

At bible study last night one of the guys was talking about an Indian man that wakes up 2 hours early every morning no matter what time he went to bed and is in prayer for 2 hours straight. Wow, wouldn't that be amazing! I would love to be able to do something like that. I might start doing something similar. obviously not for two hours, but for maybe 30 min before my day starts.

I really really need to get into the word more. over the summer I felt like my days were too busy often and kept saying to myself that once the summer is over ill get back into reading the bible. That was stupid! how did I think that starting school was going to make more time for stuff... Idiot!

I really want to work on loving people, and not immediately judging people for outward appearance and actions. I want to be able to love like Christ. I want to have kindness for people that I never would have before.

as I was writing in my last blog, I really want to work on my song writing stills. I also want to work on my guitar playing skills. I feel like I'm stuck in a rut, one bad thing about leading worship is that worship music isn't exactly the most difficult style of music to play. so I need to start researching new styles of music and diversify my playing.

Thank you lord for everything that you give me, lord I thank you for the amazing gift of worship, I would be lost without it. I pray that you would keep myself and Kimberly safe in all travel and interactions that we have. thank you for blessing our relationship. I never imagined that you would give me such a perfect and amazing girlfriend. thank you for life and for this beautiful world.

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