Saturday, October 29, 2011

Married life...

Tomorrow will be our 6 month wedding anniversary, absolutely crazy that it's been 6 months already. these have truly been the best months of my life.
One thought about married life that I would recommend to anyone is to make sure to remove technology from your life consistently and intentionally. I have found that either computers or tv seems to distract us so often and removes all interaction between us and the outside world. Now I'm not saying that I am good at this at all, however this last week we forced ourselves to take a technology fast whenever we were together and it has been a great experience. I'm not planning on making this permanent, however it really makes us realize how much time we spend distracting ourselves with technology. Once this week is done we will be sitting down and making a game plan for keeping tech time to and minimum and us time to a maximum. We were talking about these last six months and decided that we didn't want to look back at our first year of marriage to only remember wasting time on our computers. I want to interact, I want to go for bike rides, I want to be spontaneous and go on more road trips. I love my wife and want to get to know more about her not more about tv shows and my computer.

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